UpToDate Secure FTP Policies and Procedures


  1. FTP accounts are assigned to an individual user. WK Global Security Policy prohibits sharing username / password.
  2. FTP Clients must be SSL compatible.
  3. Users should not FTP any executable, program codes, databases, or confidential information without prior approval from UpToDate.
  4. Detection of illegal use or practices detrimental to UpToDate Inc. or staff will result in the withdrawal of services to the individual determined to be at fault. UpToDate will be the sole arbiter of this decision and services will only be restored to the individual upon successful appeal to the UpToDate Information Technology Department.
  5. UpToDate reserves the right to audit log files whenever deemed necessary. Logging captures but is not limited to account information, login date and time, files transferred, and other information.


  1. An UpToDate Secure FTP Request form needs to be complete to obtain access.  Click here to download form.

 (*Alternatively you can request a FTP registration form by emailing:  hdsupport@uptodate.com directly).

2.       Please fill out the entire form and return it to: hdsupport@uptodate.com Make sure to put “FTP Request” in the Subject Line.

  1. After request form is received and approved by UpToDate, a user account will be created and an email notifying the requestor of its creation will be sent. The username and password will only be supplied to the end user. Setup and training will be provided if needed.

4.       Allow 1-2 days for the folder/user account(s) to be set up on the server.